Saturday, February 1, 2020

Chapter 13

Revelation 9

Sometimes it's easy to feel like we are powerless and are caught in catastrophic events. We feel like a leaf caught in a tornado or a cork in a raging flood. In chapter 9 we see two descriptions of cataclysmic moments. We look at them and feel overwhelmed. That is the wrong lesson. The two events are different but there is one common denominator, they are under God's control and are in unexpected ways working out his plan.

The fifth angel sounded his trumpet and the end result, a horde of demonic forces is turned loose. When a person or nation dabbles with the demonic they ought not be surprised when demons show up. The demonic is limited in what they are allowed to do. But when a person invites the demonic into their lives God honors that person's free will and choice and removes His protection from the person allowing the demonic certain control. The horrifying picture we see in the first half of chapter 9 is a reality of what happens when we are playing with the forces of darkness.

When people engage in evil and invite the demonic they don't always turn into raving maniacs we see depicted in movies.  But they do grow more and more evil. In a world filled with darkness God tries again to call sinful man back to Himself.  He sends another warning, the sixth angel’s trumpet blast. The last half of this chapter is an attempt by God to call wicked men to repentance. Some men are so given over to evil that they are beyond repentance and these men are destroyed and serve as a warning to others. The chapter closes with a description of wicked men ignoring the warning and opportunity to repent that God has offered.

There are three lessons for us here.  First, God is in control and he sets the time (vs. 15).  As chaotic and out of control as the world seems God has it all well in hand. Second, God goes to extreme measures to call men to repentance. What seems as harsh to us is ultimately gracious and loving because God is attempting a rescue. Third, some men will never repent. Even God's most extreme efforts will not draw some men away from their cravings for the demonic.

Questions to ponder

How amazing is God's love that even those men who are in deep Darkness are called to repentance by the self-inflicted misery of the darkness they have chosen? Where do you see examples of self-inflicted Darkness making people miserable but they are still unwilling to repent?

When we dabble with the demonic and the powers of Darkness God honors our choice. Where do you see our society dabbling with the powers of Darkness? Where is the church dabbling with the powers of the flesh? Is there any place where you are as an individual flirting with the power of evil?

A Free Copy of "The Apocalypse and the Disciple"

Here is how you can get a free copy of “The Apocalypse and the Disciple.”   To the right you will find blog entries for each chapter and on...